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  • Millege: 19 650


I'm a car guy and a Craigslist fan. Like most men I like to get whatever information is needed, get to the bottom line, and make a decision. My son and I have driven and flown all over the US bringing back 60's iron, Alfas, Bimmers and even one Benz with a 400hp V8 from Craigslist. I've bought and sold boats, bicycles and all sorts of stuff. Soooo......Here is where you decide to flag this or not. My wife has a number of single friends that are serious wife material. No, they aren'...

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Huntsville, AL
  • Huntsville, AL, 35895, US
  • 1.1 miles away from you


West New York , 803.0 miles away from you
$ 16 995
Katy , 638.4 miles away from you
$ 15 000
Jacksonville , 314.1 miles away from you
$ 44 500
Palm Coast , 475.8 miles away from you
$ 11 000
San Antonio , 785.7 miles away from you
$ 2 500
Winter Springs , 522.8 miles away from you
$ 42 500


$ 31 000
ID 1989