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PlayStation 3 in working condition. It has a custom firmware, allowing you to download games from the internet for free. Selling because I don't need it anymore. A discount for a real buyer


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East New York, NY
  • 178-99-178-1 142nd Ave, Jamaica, NY 11434, США
  • 6.1 miles away from you


New York City , 11.1 miles away from you
$ 18
Brooklyn , 3.7 miles away from you
$ 30
Brooklyn , 3.7 miles away from you
$ 30
Virginia , 860.6 miles away from you
$ 5
New York County , 8.6 miles away from you
$ 15
Phoenix , 2146.2 miles away from you
$ 150

Sony PlayStation 3

$ 140
ID 1643