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  • Make new: Ford
  • Millege: 19 165


3 trucks run/drive (2010, 2009, & 2004) and two need engine rebuilds (2008, 2002). All 5 have been used as lawn maintenance trucks and have dings/damage to match. Willing to separate: 2010 - $7500, 2009 - $4500, 2004 - $4500, 2008 (needs engine) - $2000, and 2002 (needs at minimum a timing belt but may also need an engine) - $1000.

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Abbeville, AL
  • Lebanon, GA, 30146, US
  • 180.3 miles away from you


West New York , 891.9 miles away from you
$ 16 995
Katy , 640.1 miles away from you
$ 15 000
Jacksonville , 457.8 miles away from you
$ 44 500
Palm Coast , 277.5 miles away from you
$ 11 000
San Antonio , 801.9 miles away from you
$ 2 500
Winter Springs , 311.4 miles away from you
$ 42 500

5 White Ford F-150s for sale

$ 15 000
ID 2372